
Archive for the ‘Prayer’ Category

Jeff Markin: Back from the Dead, Reborn Into the Light

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            While riding to Wally World today and pondering the Three Word Wednesday Prompt, Deliberate, Intervene, and Nourish and I had spent the day considering not answering the prompt.

My telephone rang and I answered while riding it was a friend on the line requesting prayer. As I intently listened to her family’s needs and her plea for agreement in prayer listening for the words to come to me. I heard Matthew 18:19 so that is where we started from she read the verse then the flow began.

While praying I heard these words proceed out of my mouth at the end,” Father let the hearts of the Mother and Aunties be changed into Your loving will as they learn deliberate ways to love their teen, and change the teenagers heart to love others with a new kind of love. Lord Jesus Christ, we ask the Holy Spirit to intervene for these family members and nourish each other with and in love through You Lord Jesus Christ. Let each one learn how to love each other and handle their situations with maturity raising a teen. We thank You and praise You Father in Jesus Christ name and we thank You Holy Spirit for Your preparing the way. We ask her angel to be alert and minister love to that teenager and to keep her safe in Your constant care and minister to her every need in Lord Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.”

Rather surprised and delighted to hear those words I hurried home and got them on paper. As this was the best kind of inspired writing from the heavens on the fly…

 Three Word Wednesday

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